Sunday, December 21, 2008

Winter Wonderland Part 2

We got even more snow last night, which made for FANTASTIC sledding and snow-playing today! And.... it is currently dumping more snow tonight. It's just craziness here. I've lived here a long time and I can't remember the last time it snowed this much, for this long. We've had snow on the ground for over a week now and that's a really long time for us!

We're probably not going to need the patio umbrella for a while...

Ian was SO happy in the snow. And, he apparently thought burying his face in it was a good idea. We also don't need to be concerned about his level of hydration today, he got plenty of water via all the snow he ATE. Silly, silly boy. (... insert yellow snow joke here...)

This picture was taken about an hour ago.... the "stuff" on the left is our 15' Bamboo collection. It is all now touching the ground from the weight of the snow. It's just crazy! Crazy and SO fun!!

**Go over to my sister's blog and check out the awesome picture of my mom and dad sledding!**


kate said...

I wish we had your snow. it's alot of ice, wind, and non-stop snow here. Not so fun to play in with the girls. and also a big obstacle in getting home to p-town for christmas.

stay safe and warm.

JP said...

I was just telling Beth today that it doesn't feel like Christmas when there's no snow and it's warm out.

Mildly jealous down here in Sunny CA...

Sara said...

Watching Jackson and Ellee sled down our driveway is the best thing ever! Isn't this so much fun? I'll probably be done with this snow thing in about another week though!

By the careful if you get on an intertube or sled:)

Love the pics.!

LDraper said...

Trust me Sara... I've re-lived that sledding trip a few times in the last week. Thankfully, all bones are still intact. :)

Nasinec Family said...

It feels like Christmas doesn't it? We LOVE it! So happy to see your pictures and know that you are having fun!