Sunday, April 15, 2007


Ian has a official first word. We don't count "mamamama" and "dadadada". He's been saying "dog" for a week or so and we finally figured that he really was saying "dog"! He has a little stuffed dog that he sleeps with and this is probably why it ended up being his first word. (For the record... we don't have a pet dog-- just 2 crazy cats)

Anyhow... this post is not to blab about Ian's first word... it is to tell a funny story.

We were at Costco (fun!) the other night and Sean was wandering around carrying Ian. He wandered into an aisle and came upon a woman wearing a very large (slightly obnoxious) fur coat. When they got closer to her, Ian lunged forward with hands stretched and said "DOG!".
Needless to say, Sean quickly exited the aisle.

Seriously. So funny.

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