Thursday, December 06, 2007


Here we go.... Thursday's random thoughts, bullet style.

  • What's with random vomiting? Ian decided to throw up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. Clearly there was a reason, but not one that I am privy to right now. He is totally fine now. Praise God for that!
  • How about random money? Did you know that if you travelled overseas in the past 10 years, and used a credit card, that Visa/MasterCard charged you an "illegal" fee? I got a "class action court settlement" form yesterday (didn't know I took anyone to court!) and will be getting a refund of $25. Who knew?!
  • How about completely random power outages? At about 1:00 today, our power went out! I know it's not weather related because it is sunny today. I'm thankful for my laptop that was not plugged in when it happened. :) Obviously if you're reading this, the power has been restored. Wonder if I'll ever know why?
  • I do NOT recommend taking 4 children 3 years and under, all dressed up in their Christmas outfits, to a photo studio. Okay wait.... to a photo studio who decides to train a oh-so-very young man during our session. Seriously there were 3 employees in the studio and not one of them took charge. We all wanted to push them (gently) out of the way and take the pictures ourselves. Can you really expect 4 kids that young to sit still, hold a pose, look right in to the camera, and give their best smile? AT THE SAME TIME? I don't think so. The best part was when the new kid quietly said "okay kids, say fuzzy pickles!". No one even heard him (I happened to because I was standing behind him making a complete fool of myself trying to get them to look up). Okaaaaaay.... enough of that bullet.
  • I love my daughter's developing imagination.... this morning, I walked into her room and she sat up and said "Once upon a time, there was a dinosaur at Grandma's house, Mom!" These days, most of her stories start with "Once upon a time...."
  • We went to Z00 Lights the other night.... in the rain. It was actually really fun! And there were hardly any people there! It is, however, hard to explain to a 3 year old that we are going to the zoo, but we won't be seeing any animals. Reagan had a hard time with that.
  • Is there any hope we'll have a white Christmas in Western Washington???? A girl can dream, right?


The Keevy Family said...

I got that refund letter too, that is real? Hey, $25 these days sounds like time for a babysitter!

Chelle said...

That photo session sounds less than fun. Hope the pictures turn out well anyway :)

Keven & Alicia said...

maybe not such random puking huh?

Katie said...

After our last photo session, I felt like asking for our money back. Seriously, do you expect a 2 year old to smile when all you can do is say "pretty please?" They really should screen these people for baby talk.

Lovin' on my Boys said...

I can relate to ALL of that... especially the pictures :) Wendi and I know a photographer who is amazing with the little ones if you ever need one!

Kim said...

I've bumped into your blog a few times through other bloggers that i read. Your children are absolutely adoreable, and how funny is it that your daughter can sleep anywhere, that's pretty amazing, wish I could!
Feel free to stop by mine If youd like.

Chunny and Me said...

i'm getting that refund too - only I chose option #2 because I had been out of the country for a total of 65 days over those dates...I have no idea how much that means I will get back, but I'm all for "free money"!! :)

Oh, and if you want a WHITE Christmas, you should really consider commin' on over this direction - it's white out as we speak! love it!! :)