sister and I tried out a Yoga class at the gym last night. Now, I've done just about every type of exercise out there.... Dance, Aerobics, Step-Aerobics (which is
dangerous...), kick-boxing, karate,
circuit, etc.... BUT, I had never tried Yoga. Until last night.
If you know me well, you know that there isn't much about myself that I take too seriously. Can you see where this is going??
We get started in class and sit on the floor and start our deep breathing. Our instructor said, "breath deeply in and fully expand your ribcage, then exhale and pull your navel to your spine". Okay people, try it. I'll wait.
Doesn't that feel weird?
Now she wants us to continue that pattern of breathing throughout the class, while doing other things. I found myself thinking more about whether or not I was breathing, rather than the "pose" we were supposed to be
achieving. I would inhale when I was supposed to exhale and then try to fix it by breathing faster... is that not counter productive?
I learned last night that a common pose in Yoga is the "downward dog". I already found the name of this pose funny, so just imagine what happened when the instructor said (in the calm-soothing-quiet-drawn out voice)... "Okay ladies, now let's
walk the dog". (I just laughed out loud typing that). My head snapped up so I could figure out what on earth she meant by "
walk the dog". Then it starts. I can feel it coming.... the quiet giggle. The giggle that used to always happen in church... where you try SO hard not to laugh and it takes all your strength to not do so. I knew I COULD NOT look at my sister or I would lose it. It took everything in me to gain self control (and act my age) and continue. And I'm glad to say that I didn't have to leave the room.
Anyhow... all in all in was a good experience and I'm sure I'll do it again... if I can maintain my self control and not giggle like a 3rd grader, that is.
*** Disclaimer-- this is my experience--- I have nothing against Yoga enthusiasts and I am not poking fun at Yoga. ***