Wednesday, September 05, 2007


I have a real, serious phobia. I'm not kidding. I've tried to get beyond it mentally, but everytime I encounter one of these creatures, I can feel my heart rate go up and I start sweating.

So imagine my pulse count when my nephew arrived this morning and told me that there was a HUGE spider hanging from the gutter outside my front door.

It has been an hour and I've been to the front door more times than I can count to make sure I can still see it. You see, if I can see it at the front door, that means it is NOT inside my house. If I don't blog anymore after this, it's because this thing has eaten me.


Keven & Alicia said...

Nee Nee, It's just a really cool spider. Jesus will protect you.

Love, Asher

Anonymous said...

Yuck says it all! You weren't kidding it was huge! Kate

Organized Chaos said...

It's been still there?

Katie said...

Oh MY! I had to cover the picture to read your blog.

LDraper said...

Yes.... still here. Barely.
My hero, Sean, came home and took care of the problem for me.

Katie said...

Isn't that one of the reasons we get married? To have a spider killer handy.

The Keevy Family said...

I had to deal with one of these nasty things in our tool shed before. Yuck! Glad to see you were rescued!

Katie said...

You gotta look at our blog, we saw a pretty big spider ourselves tonight. EEEWWWW!

Andrea@Sgt and Mrs Hub said...

I would have died on the spot. Seriously. Spiders and I do not co-exist. Thank God for a husband who comes when I scream.
