Monday, March 19, 2007


Those of you who know Sean, know how much he loves to play volleyball. Growing up in California, volleyball was a huge part of life and they even had men's volleyball in the school system. (Why again, don't we have that in Washington?) Anyhow... with that said, you can understand why the following statement from Reagan almost made Daddy cry. (okay, not really, but he was PUMPED!).

Reagan was walking around the house the other day carrying her favorite pink ball mumbling something under her breath. I couldn't hear what she was saying so I stopped her and asked what she was talking about. Here is what she said-- word for word, I promise. And... remember that she isn't yet 3 years old....

She said enthusiastically: "I'm going to play volleyball in High School!"

Seriously... is Daddy brain-washing her??? He promises that he's never talked to her about it and in that case, she came up with this all on her own.

1 comment:

Lukas and Gretchen said...

Wow! Better get her in training :) She would be a great volleyball player - the things she says are just too cute!