Friday, June 08, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Ian!!

One year ago today.... I was in labor... sort of.

I was having contractions... sort of.

Okay, so I had a weekly doctor's appointment (you know the kind... the going-every-week-during-the-last-month-of-your-pregnancy-until-the-baby-decides-to-come appointment) on the morning of June 8, 2006 at 9:30. When our doctor "checked" me (fun), I was already dilated to 5 cm. Okay, so apparently I was in labor.... again, sort of. The doc called over to the hospital to see if there was room for me to just head over and have a baby... seriously, can he make it sound any easier? Anyhow... there was room at the hospital so they let me come and check in. Sean and I had gone to our appointment that morning with our hospital bags packed and in the car... hoping something like this would happen.

So I checked in and started to get settled. A nurse came in and I asked her if it was too early to tell her I would be wanting an epidural... ;)

Yes, I want the epidural. Make it snappy.

Not so long story short, Ian was born a quick 3 1/2 hours later at 1:59 pm weighing 7 lbs 15 ounces and 20.75 inches.

We picked his name for a number of reasons... "Ian" comes from the same Irish root as "Sean" (daddy) and therefore have the same meaning-- "God is Gracious"

Sean got to choose Ian's middle name. "Charles" was my maternal Grandpa's name-- he was a fun-loving man with a wonderful sense of humor. We miss him very much. It was an emotional moment in the delivery room when Sean told me he had chosen "Charles". My Mom and Grandma were there which made it so special. On an extra special note-- he was born on my Grandparents wedding anniversary... it was the perfect choice.

This picture is the moment Sean told me what his middle name was.

He is an amazing little boy... and he won me over immediately. He has this way about him... he can melt a heart instantly! And his dimples... oh my. He is so happy... crazy happy. He smiles almost all the time- and that means a lot coming from the one who is with him all the time. In fact, my dad once asked me-- "If you could guarantee that the next baby would be this happy, would you have another one?" He can light up a room and make strangers laugh with his hysterical facial expressions and sweet smiles.

Ian-- You are such a gift. An amazing, perfect, gift. We thank God daily for you and are so proud to be your parents. Just like your sister, I hope you read this one day and know that we love you unconditionally. Our prayer for you is to come to know Christ as your Savior-- your only Lord. Thank you for the joy you daily bring us... for the unending smiles and laughter. Thank you for showing us more of what God's love for us looks like.
We love you Bubby... more than you'll ever know.
Mommy & Daddy


Keven & Alicia said...

We love you too Ian! You are a blessing to us. Thank you for all of your smiles and screams of joy.
Noni, Aunt Lish, Asher & Tatum

Katie said...

OK, You've got to warn me when It's going to make me cry! The story about his middle name is ruining my makeup! (yes, I'm actually wearing some)
So sweet. Love the story.

Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

Happy 1st Birthday to your little guy! I just loved reading your birth story and seeing the pictures. It's so fun to reminisce, isn't it?!

You and I are very much the same, epidural ASAP. Why go through the pain if we don't have to?! =)