Monday, February 25, 2008

We had good intentions.... really.

Sunday night, Sean and I decided to clean out the pantry. This act of insanity was prompted by a very productive trip to Trader J0es that resulted in items that didn't fit into the pantry in its current state.

We lined up every.single.item. from the pantry onto our dining room table (and chairs) and took an inventory. We threw away a few things that had been in there far too long.... I even found something that had a pull date in 2003. Not good.

Anyhow... back to the reason for this post.

We were done cleaning things out and filling the pantry back up when Sean decided he wanted to "re-arrange" the baking shelf again. At this point I was in the garage looking for something. Then I heard it.... the crash.... and then Sean say "are you kidding me???". I quickly returned to the pantry and found Sean frozen in a lunge-like stance, with his leg and the floor covered in whole-wheat flour. Apparently his attempt at re-arranging the baking shelf angered the flour container and caused it to jump off of the shelf and explode into a lovely mess. I couldn't help but laugh! Thankfully he was laughing at this point too. He removed his flour covered clothing and stepped away from the spot he had been in at the time of the explosion. His footprint was still there.

So.... here's where it gets REALLY funny.... and, please know that I have permission to share this..... and Sean realized the moment he said it that it was hysterical. We're still laughing about it.

I finished vacuuming up the last of the flour, wiped up the floor and was closing the pantry so we could finally sit down and fast forward through the Oscars.... when he offers his help in the final clean up. He surveys the pantry and surrounding floor and says: "Should I go get the leaf blower to get the last of the flour out?"

Really, Sean? A leaf blower? So we can blow flour all over the entire house? And wake up the sleeping children?

Oh my goodness.... we laughed for quite some time about this.... and then we laughed again tonight about it too.

You might not think it was as funny as we did.... but then again, we think a lot of things are funny.


Keven & Alicia said...

Oh..I'm laughing out loud right now. Funny funny man...a leaf blower....hee hee.
I would have liked to see that!

Anonymous said...

Oh, man! That is hysterical!!! That's right, let's have a snow storm INSIDE OUR HOUSE!!! Get on those safety goggles! Just picturing the whole things makes me laugh! ~Kathy

Katie said...

It was very sporting of him to pose for the pictures. :-)

Keven said...

Dude! !? :)

Sara said...

Is Sean missing doing the yardwork that much that he has to try to do it in the house now? I guess that means more yardwork, less golf!!! (I had to sneak that one in there)