Sunday, March 02, 2008

Boys, Boys, Boys...

I'm learning all kinds of things about my little boy these days. Besides the frequency of bruising, that is.

Today we went for a family walk/bike ride after church. It was a gorgeous day here in the not-so-rainy Pacific Northwest. (I have some fun pictures of our walk/bike ride, but blogger is not cooperating at the moment.... I'll try again later.)

Anyhow... back to our afternoon outside.

Reagan rode her bike the entire time.

Ian, on the other hand, was a different story. He would get on his "bike" (I use the term loosely...), ride a few feet and then see a rock, stick, pine cone or other piece of nature that MUST BE PICKED UP RIGHT NOW.

If it was a stick, it was immediately transformed into either a golf club or baseball bat. He would take a swing and then throw it into the woods. We took a break at one point to toss pebbles into a little pond and after that it took FOREVER to finish the walk because every single rock we came upon had to be thrown into the nearest pond/puddle/any form of water Ian could find.

Then there were the dogs. It was a busy day on the walking trail, and therefore we encountered a ton of dogs. If Ian happened to be on his bike when a dog would pass, he had to get off and investigate. If I let him, he would have run up to any dog, no matter the size, and put his face right in front of the dogs face. (we have an amazing cat that lets the kids get as close as they want and therefore Ian thinks that all animals are like that). He met many dogs today. (One couple passed us walking 4 dogs, 2 of which really looked like hairless rats.)

Anyhow... it was a day of learning for this Mommy... I look forward to many more days like it.

But please Ian... please keep the bruises to a minimum. Thanks dude.


Keven & Alicia said...

I'm telling you....I have learned more about "stuff" in the last four years (well, 3 anyway) with Asher than I have in a long time. Boys open your eyes to the world in a whole new way! I never knew I'd be able to name so many different dinosaurs!

Sara said...

Do you think our husbands were like this? Little boys are absolutely fascinating! (especially when you only had sisters!)