Saturday, May 09, 2009

Completely Random

I feel like I have all kinds of random thoughts swimming around in my head. I guess I'll dump them here.

  • I have 2 large bunches of fresh lilacs in my house right now. Every single time I breathe, I smell them. It makes me really happy.

  • I sat at an open house today for 4 hours. Why is it, that when you sit and do nothing productive, you are more exhausted at the end of the day? I didn't do ANYTHING worthy of being this tired.

  • There is no place more beautiful than Western Washington on a sunny day. No offense to those of you who don't life in Western Washington. But really. Try to beat it.

  • Why can't my husband just realize that I'm right almost all the time. Seriously. After almost 9 years, you'd think he would quit "betting" me. He owes me SO much money. Today's bet was about the size of the hungry hippo marbles.

  • Wanna know my goal for Mother's Day? Yep, you do? Great. Here it is..... that no one throws up on me. Yep. That's it. Not asking too much am I? Wanna know why that's my goal? Because last year's Mother's Day began by Ian throwing up, in the Starbucks parking lot (actually in the car, in the Starbucks parking lot) on our way to church. Could've been worse.... But seriously.

  • I am so thankful for my Mom. She is amazing. I could rant and rave about her, but if you know her, you already know this. If you don't know her.... I'm sorry. She's the best. I love you Mom!

  • Why do my neighbors dogs only bark at night? Actually, this is one of the first nights where it has bugged me. Guess I can't complain. But again, seriously. Be quiet!

  • I told you this is completely random.

  • Our daughter is going to be 5 years old on Wednesday. FIVE! I love that girl so crazy much. She's sassy and silly. And apparently Remember that wonderful Mom I mentioned a couple of bullets above? Yep... that same Mom loves to point out all the ways that my sassy daughter is just like I was. And then she laughs. Apparently pay back?

  • I love Cherry Limeade. Yep, S0nic just opened here. I don't ever need to eat the food again (not impressed), but the Cherry Limeade could become a problem. I kinda want one right now.

  • I really love Real Estate.

  • Sean took Ian golfing today. They had a blast! We might just have another golfer on our hands.

  • Reagan had a special day with Grandma and Papa today. They took her to the zoo, to Build a Bear and out to dinner. She had so much fun!

  • (here she is heading out with grandma and papa and her new camera!)

  • Sean is at the grocery store right now. I wonder what kind of goodies he'll come home with?

I think I'll be done rambling now. Sadly I could go on and on and on.... but there's no need to. Because I'm SO tired. Remember? I sat for 4 hours. Apparently that's exhausting. And... Sean is walking in the door and I need to investigate his purchases.... I'm hungry.



Sara said...

I'll BET his grocery trip was totally RANDOM!

Didn't we say we were going to bed about 2 hours ago???? :)

Steve & Sarabeth said...

I can't ever send Steve to the grocery store unless I want a bunch of unnecessary goodies! And you're right, W. WA IS the most beautiful sunny place!

Anonymous said...

You let him go to the grocery store? Scary! My hubby comes back with HoHo's EVERY time ; ) I didn't have as much luck for not being thrown up on for mother's day. Kailey has a hyper-reflexive gag and a slight tickly in her throat and she is puking, so there you have it, happy mother's day to me :)

The Coatney's said...

i love posts like this. it's like a little peek into your life. i need to run into you guys again. maybe i should start frequenting bradley park since that seems to be the only place that you exist in my life. : ) and five! five. seriously? where did the time go? where is that baby that use to sleep under the desk at little gym? the time has flown! also, i got thrown up on yesterday. and i cleaned up a major blowout on the couch. and took a rectal temperature. love mothers day.